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GPS - GSM Based Mobile Navigator


With today’s technology and tomorrow’s needs are taken in mind, the new products are published in the market to fulfill the current as well as future needs. To achieve the goal we have to develop an integrated environment. Today there are several technologies emerging out to capture the high end market. Keeping all the above in mind, This project also emphasize an integrated environment. This Project uses the current technology advancements i.e., Global Positioning System(GPS) , Global System for Mobile(GSM) and Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit Design(VLSI). In this Project , we mainly concentrate on the Vehicle tracking System i.e ., to update the location of a vehile to the base station called Control Center.  


The GPS - GSM Based Mobile Navigator is a Battery Operated Compact Instrument which is fixed to any of the vehicles, So that the instrument updates its Location to its Control Center. The control center uses this location information for its further operations. Since the instrument is programmed for automatic updating of vehicle location, the control center can identify that there might be some problem with the Vehicle and further moments depends on the control center. Hence this project is very much useful for the vehicle owners to make their vehicle under control.The automatic updating of vehicle location adds further advantage to the controllers.
The GPS – GSM Mobile Navigator project is an integrated environment, which integrates the wireless information device i.e., Global Positioning System (GPS), Wireless Mobile Communication i.e., Global System for Mobile’s(GSM ) Short Messaging Service(SMS)  and VLSI Technology i.e., Field Programmable Gate Array(FPGA) Implementation. 


The GPS receiver has to know two things location and distance. The GPS receiver picks up two kinds of coded information from the satellites. One type of information, called “almanac” data, contains the approximate position (locations) of the satellites. This data is continuously transmitted and stored in the memory of the GPS receiver so it knows the orbit of the satellites and where each satellite is supposed to be. The almanac data is periodically updated with new information as the satellites move around.
Any satellite can travel slightly out of orbit, so the ground monitor stations keep track of the satellite orbits, altitude, location and the speed. The ground stations send the orbital data to the master control station, which in turn sends corrected data up to the satellites. This corrected and exact position data is called the “ephemeris” data, which is valid for about four to six hours, and is transmitted in the coded information to the GPS receiver.

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